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Through the VSB Mentor Program,
undergraduate students are paired with alumni mentors in one to one relationships which run
from sophomore to senior year. This establishes a foundation for career development, success
and fulfillment.
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Villanova’s Master of Science in Finance (MSF) mentors assist business savvy students to refine their finance career aspirations, coach them in their finance job search, and extend their professional networks. Mentors generally have 5+ years of professional experience in finance.
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The Villanova Graduate Mentor Program pairs business professionals with our MBA and specialized masters students. Mentees are granted access to mentors, who are committed to connecting once a month. In addition, mentors and mentees are invited to special events during the year to allow for additional connectivity.

This program is recommended to students graduating within the next academic year, but is open to all students, if they find value earlier in their academic program.
Program Logo - Link to Home Page
Through the VSB Mentor Program,
undergraduate students are paired with alumni mentors in one to one relationships which run
from sophomore to senior year. This establishes a foundation for career development, success
and fulfillment.
Program Logo - Link to Home Page
The Villanova Graduate Mentor Program pairs business professionals with our MBA and specialized masters students. Mentees are granted access to mentors, who are committed to connecting once a month. In addition, mentors and mentees are invited to special events during the year to allow for additional connectivity.

This program is recommended to students graduating within the next academic year, but is open to all students, if they find value earlier in their academic program.
Program Logo - Link to Home Page
Villanova’s Master of Science in Finance (MSF) mentors assist business savvy students to refine their finance career aspirations, coach them in their finance job search, and extend their professional networks. Mentors generally have 5+ years of professional experience in finance.